Hacking and Security Tools for Beginners and Elite - Complete Tool Kit

Here is this post I have listed out few of the frequently and widely used Tools used by Hackers of all levels.But one thing i would like to mention is that "Hackers make tool but tool do not make Hackers"If you depend more on tools then you cannot evolve as a hacker rather you will be surrounded by tools and dependent on them.

1.Password Cracking Tools:

a) John the ripper-http://www.openwall.com/john/

b) THC hydra-http://www.thc.org/thc-hydra/

c) Brutus-http://www.hoobie.net/brutus/

d) L0PhtCrack-http://www.l0phtcrack.com/

e) SAMInside-http://insidepro.com

f) Cain and abel-http://www.oxid.it/cain.html

g) Pwdump-http://www.foofus.net/fizzgig/pwdump/

2.Pentesting Tools:

a) Metasploit framework- http://www.metasploit.com/

b) Canvas- http://www.immunitysec.com/products-canvas.shtml

3.Sql injector Tools:

a) Sqlihelper

b) Havij

c) SQL Exploiter

4.Website Vulnerability Scanner:

a) Acunetix- http://www.acunetix.com/

b) Rational appscan- http://www.ibm.com/software/awdtools/appscan/

5.Vulnerability Scanner:

a) Nessus-http://www.nessus.org/

b) Retina-http://www.eeye.com/html/Products/Retina/index.html

c) Sara-http://www-arc.com/sara/

6.Port Scanner:

a) Nmap- http://nmap.org/

b) Angry Ip scanner- http://www.angryziber.com/ipscan/

c) Super Scan- http://www.foundstone.com/us/resources/proddesc/superscan.htm

7.Intrusion detection Tools:

a) Snort-http://www.snort.org/

b) Sguil-http://sguil.sourceforge.net/

8.Live CDs:

a) Ophcrack- http://ophcrack.sourceforge.net/

b) Backtrack- http://www.backtrack-linux.org/

c) Hiren’s boot cd- http://www.hiren.info/pages/bootcd

d) Ultimate boot cd- http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/

9.Wireless Tools:

a) Wireshark- http://www.wireshark.org/

b) Kismet-http://www.kismetwireless.net/

c) Aircrack- http://www.aircrack-ng.org/

d) Netstumbler- http://www.stumbler.net/

10.Steganography Tools:

A list of  few "STEGANOGRAPHY TOOLS " free to DOWNLOAD.

11.IP Tracing Tools:

a) Neo Trace- http://www.networkingfiles.com/neotrace/

b) Visual Trace-http://www.visualiptrace.com

12.Software Cracking Tools:

a) Debuggers-OllyDbg,WinDbg

b) Unpackers-QUnpack

c) DisAssemblers-WIN32Dasm

d) Decompilers-Boomerang,Mocha,JAD

e) Hex Editors-Hexworkshop,Hview, HxDSetupEN

A list of few "REVERSE ENGINEERING" tools free to Download.

13.Virtual Enviroment Software:

a) Vmware- http://www.vmware.com/

b) Virtual box- http://www.virtualbox.org/

c) Sandboxie- http://www.sandboxie.com/
Hacking and Security Tools for Beginners and Elite - Complete Tool Kit Hacking and Security Tools for Beginners and Elite - Complete Tool  Kit Reviewed by Satyajit (Admins,a.k.a Satosys) on Saturday, September 25, 2010 Rating: 5


Rafay said...

Nice collection of tools

Ayush said...

Yo can also add open source W3af http://w3af.sourceforge.net/ in your website vulnerability assessment

Anonymous said...

What about making a little list with the same tools for mac? Or else it is a great set off tools:)

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Hello folks, thank you prety much for this interesting set, however I 'd like to ask a question, based on what you have begun this article, from where can one start to learn to become one day like these guys who make these delicious tools? can you suggest any links or documentation?
Again thanx in advace !

Rajiv Vapor said...

i am impressed with such information, Thanks for sharing such knowledge

Anonymous said...

thanks dear,

heartly thanks, nice work......

silvia said...

Great Share ..Thanks For the list

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