50 Hacking and Computer Security Sites

Here in this post I have listed out  "50 Hacking and Computer Security"  related sites and blogs.I feel this will be a great help for the readers.
Hacking and Computer Security Sites
1.Dark Reading | Security | Protect the Business-Enable Access.

2.Security Tube - Watch learn and Contribute Computer Security Videos.

3.Ha.ckers.org - Web Application Security Lab.

4.Lifehacker - Tips Download for getting things done.


6.Offensive-Security - Online information Security Training | Backtrack.

7.Web.nvd.nist - National Vulnerability Database Home.

8.OSVDB - The Open Source Vulnerability Database.

9.Csu-edu.weebly | Security & Defense – Home

10.Secure List - Information about Virus Hackers and Spam.

11.Hack this Site

12.Hack in the Box - Keeping Knowledge free


14.Government Security | Network Security resource.

15.Tech Republic | A resource for IT Professionals


17.Computer World

18.Topix -Computer Security News.

19.Best Security Tips - Daily news on phishing,hackers,malware,virus.

20.ZdNet - Zero day blog

21.Tuts 4 you - Downloads ( Reverse Engineering)

22.Security pro News

23.Cloud Computing Security

24.Hacker Target - Online Security Scan,Internet Security Vulnerability Assessment

25.Hakin9 - The IT Security Magazine.

26.Sans -Reading room

27.Hakipedia - Wikipedia of Hacking World.

28.Dark Net IRC Network

29.The Register - Security

30.Security Focus - Latest Vulnerability Database.

31.Packet storm Security - Download Trojans

32.Progenic - Top100 Hacking Sites.

33.Insecure.org - Nmap Security Scanner Tools and Hacking Resources

34.Metasploit - Pentesting Tool.

35.Sectools - Top 100 Hacking Tools


37.Ophcrack - Live Cd for cracking Windows password.

38.Ethical Hacker

39.Hack forums - Hacking tuts ,tools etc.

40.ICSA Labs

41.RSA Security

42.IT security

43.Paul dot com Security Podcast

44.DHS - Department of Homeland Security

45.US-CERT. | United States Computer Emergency readlines Team


47.F- Secure - Security Lab

48.Make Use Of

49.All Top - Network Security

50.Hack Talk | Blog - Hack talk Security

If I missed any good resource then feel free to mention it in the comment. :)
50 Hacking and Computer Security Sites 50 Hacking and Computer Security Sites Reviewed by Satyajit (Admins,a.k.a Satosys) on Sunday, September 26, 2010 Rating: 5


Luis Santana said...

I just wanted to say thank you for adding my blog to this list.

Anonymous said...
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Nedo @ vps hosting said...

This is really handy and useful list. Just wanna give my thanks for putting it together.


Boxgroove said...

I really want to protect my Networking and for that I was looking for some good security software.

Harry said...

I have also created a Hacking Site. Hope to see that in this list in coming time.

Alex said...

In relation to this post, what security suite/antivirus would you recommend for a home user. Thank you.

Ankit said...

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Anonymous said...

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R.R said...

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